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Cashflow 101 202 Excel Spreadsheets

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Kiyosaki Cash flow 101 game for South Africans. Now you can have the Kiyosaki Cashflow 101 Game in just a few days with additional materials not available to anyone else globally. The Kiyosaki Cash Flow 101 Game Package Includes. 273 Our cheapest price for Excel Applications for Accounting Principles (with Excel Templates is $9.48. Free shipping on all orders over $35.00.

Cashflow 101 202 Excel Spreadsheets

Cashflow Game Cashflow 101 Board Game Review By Robert Kiyosaki. Go to to get extra bonus guide. How To Play This Cashflow 101 Game? You'll receive two playing pieces, a rat and a piece of cheese. First, pick a dream. These are the pink spaces on the Fast Track.

Find one you like, and put your cheese piece on it. For now, all you need to know is that when you get to the fast track, you will have the opportunity to realize your dream. (Some groups don't do this step. If your group is like this, take time at some point to look over the Dream spaces.) You'll also get a blank game sheet. The game sheet is where you'll record your financial information. It looks similar to this: CASHFLOW 101 Game Sheet This figure has some details left out, as you'll see when you play the game. For now, there are a few things to notice: It has something called an Income Statement.

This has two sections, labelled 'Income' and 'Expenses'. Each section will have several lines, one for each source of income and each expense. It has something called a Balance Sheet, which has two sections, labelled 'Assets' and 'Liabilities'. Next, pick a Profession card (if someone doesn't pick it for you). The profession card looks like a smaller version of the game sheet, with numbers filled in. You'll copy the info from the Profession Card onto the Game Sheet.

After that, you don't need the Profession card. This is a good time to meet your Auditor. Normally this is the person seated on your right. He or she will check your financial statements (i.e., the income statement and balance sheet) whenever they change. Have them check that you copied the info onto your Game Sheet correctly. The last thing to set up is your starting cash. This is equal to the sum of your Savings (in the Asset Column) and one month's cash flow.

Keeping Track of Money As you play the game, you will have income from various sources, and spend money on necessities and investments (both good and bad). Running In The Rat Race The Rat Race is the track that you start on. Place your rat token on the 'Start Here' arrow on this track. You will find four main kinds of spaces in the Rat Race. One is the yellow 'Pay Check' space. Whenever you land on or pass this space, add the amount of your Monthly Cash Flow to your total cash.

Cashflow 101 & 202 Excel Spreadsheets Rich Dad Kiyosaki

Cashflow 101 202 excel spreadsheets download

Another space is the green 'Opportunity' space. This means you have found an investment opportunity. When you land on this, draw a card from either the 'Small Deal' or the 'Big Deal' stack - your choice. ('Small' and 'Big' refers to how much money you will need to partake in the deal. Most Small Deals cost a few thousand or less; Big Deals usually take tens of thousands.) Next is the blue 'Market' space. When you land on it, draw a Market card. These cards include buyers of investments you may own, such as real estate, and other economic events that may affect you.

Cashflow 101

The fourth main kind of space is the pink Doodad space. A doodad is something that you spend money on. The expense is not optional; when you land on this space, draw a doodad card, read it, and pay up. Getting Out As said before, the goal of part one is to get out of the rat race. When you get your game sheet, you will notice that your income is broken down into two parts: salary (from your day job), and what is called passive income. Passive income is income that comes in with little or no additional effort on your part. The difference is that for a 'normal' job, you have to invest your time continually to keep receiving income, and if you work half as much, your income immediately goes down by half or more.

In this rich dad poor dad rat race game, how do you get out of the rat race? Very simply, make investments that give you passive income. When your passive income is greater than your total expenses, you are OUT. Think about what this means.

Cash Flow Excel Spreadsheet

It means you can quit your day job, and maintain the same standard of living you had before. When that happens to you, announce it, and high five the people around you:) Reminders This is a financial education board game invented by Robert Kiyosaki. However, it does not make any definite investment advice and therefore, do treat this game as a great way to be educated financially. Ask one of the experienced mentor to be the banker and rule keeper. Things will be easier in that way. Other Information Site.