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Hack Gametracker Rank

Hack Gametracker Rank Rating: 9,6/10 7821 votes

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  1. Hack Gametracker Rank 1

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CHANGES. Items changed, or highlighted for future attention, on 20 July 2013 are highlighted in yellow. Global Rules.

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A new progression and skill system developed by Fortnite Tracker., unofficially, for fun. Please note this Rating is in Beta, and we will continue to adapt it and improve it! TRN Rating is a rating we have developed unofficially, that works only for players who use our site. CLARION TS3 Server - TeamSpeak 3 server that is ranked 44 out of many other servers on GameTracker.rs Gametracker.rs: Counter Strike, Condition Zero, Counter Strike Source, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4. Fortnite Stats. Fortnite Stats is a player statistics tracker for the popular battle royale game. You can search any player by Epic username and see their kill count, win/death ratio, total matches played and other interesting stats on Fortnite.

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What is mild humour to you may well be deeply offensive to others. While we have no intention of acting as politically-correct 'thought police', we are on the lookout for those things that can cause offense and, in some cases, are actually still illegal in some jurisdictions. Names recalling notorious war criminals or personalities. Names recalling atrocities and war crimes in general, or units with particularly odious histories. Use of obscenities and expletives. Blatant racism, mysogynism or many other 'ism's.

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On both the previous two, the moderators' views on the intention and impact of use of such symbols will be final - not yours. Please be understanding if you are advised to change something. In general, if a sig/avatar represents your allegiances in-game and is clearly 'in part', it is likely to be fine; if the moderators feel you are trying to demonstrate unpalatable political allegiances, or to use it in an attempt to ridicule or provoke others you WILL be asked to change it. RO is NOT the place to make any extremist political statements of any kind. Examples: So people get the idea, some examples that would be considered offensive, numbered as above:. 'Hitler', 'Beria'. 'NKVD Blocking Detachment', 'Einsatzgruppen'.

This one should be pretty obvious. So should this - and it includes calling all Germans 'Nazis' and all Soviets/Russians 'Commies'. It got boring 50 years ago, so stop it. Use of swastikas, fasces, SS-runes and so on for the Axis. There is actually very little overt symbolism from the Stalinist era; the hammer-and-sickle isn't offensive per se. A simple rule-of-thumb: many Europeans find Nazi symbolism of any sort offensive; many Americans still find Soviet symbolism offensive.

Engage your brain before using. At least it is a better fix, to make the game more balanced for newbies, so that they won't abandon it. Also the ranking is very broken, you need to level the same think twice to read the ranking and apply it to weapons or classes. In my opinion it should be redisigned in conformation of class and apply the abilities for according to what you need. As like a machinegunner, is slow, reloads fast and has lots of ammo and suppreses very easy.

As like for a sniper, which doesn't have much ammo, but has a lot of speed, reloads faster and maybe also has camo to stay hidden. I went on this server last week and spoke with the admin on it. 150 hours and he was level 99 on RS and level 85 on RO2. He also claimed to have gotten to level 90 on RS 100% legit lol.

After 100 hours. But yeah you get a Buttload of points. There's two custom maps for it. One for RS one for RO2. About 20 cap zones all stacked on top of each other with a 1 second cap time. So you got a load of points on them. Bots all standing around stationary clumped in spawn.

Hack Gametracker Rank 1

Killing other players deliberatly was a bannable offence. You were only allowed to mass kill the bots.


I eventually got votekicked (admin had left) as I was driving a tank running eveyone over lol. It's some west coast server that had 'rank up' in the title and is running TE maps also with rank up in the title. I know of the server operator. Goes by the name of.

Hack gametracker rank

He has a bad reputation among each the Merrill and Bloodbath communities. He has multiple Steam accounts which he uses to populate his server as well as to cheat with. We had him banned from the Merrill's servers after being caught. He also tried sabotaging the Bloodbath servers at one point and attempted subsequent DDoS attacks after being booted out of the community there too. All in all, he is a bad apple of the community and given his blatant disregard for the spirit of the game, his operating a server of this kind is not surprising.

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Although, I'm not sure to what extent TWI can do anything about it. Server now seems to be offline: I checked it out and was a bit surprised how a ranked server got those maps, but to be honest, i have played RO2 since its release, and i just dont have the time to unlock stuff, i simply don't, so i understand people want to unlock stuff faster. Even just this year i had unlocked the big drum for the thompson. But you can pretty much do the same with official maps, just have loads of bots in a big open map. If he was smart he just took big open official maps and called it rank up server. I know of the server operator. Goes by the name of.

He has a bad reputation among each the Merrill and Bloodbath communities. He has multiple Steam accounts which he uses to populate his server as well as to cheat with.

We had him banned from the Merrill's servers after being caught. He also tried sabotaging the Bloodbath servers at one point and attempted subsequent DDoS attacks after being booted out of the community there too. All in all, he is a bad apple of the community and given his blatant disregard for the spirit of the game, his operating a server of this kind is not surprising. Although, I'm not sure to what extent TWI can do anything about it.I had no intention of posting on this thread but, I'm not going to stand by and let people spread gossip. I linked this thread to my steam profile, to answer the people, who kept asking me why I took my server down. @ Lemonater47 you never spoke to me about my server, so not sure who you are quoting, my hours in RO2 make your quote invalid.

@Blood why don't you tell the whole story, about what happened rather than, Tall Tail accusations? P.S I would really rather just have the thread closed, and move on. I'm not a fan of degrading others.